Memoir of a NSH Patient Pt.12


Mr. Johnson,  the boss cook, was a fine man and I liked it there.  I worked there until the new contract was let for four buildings when I was sent out to help clear the grounds that was piled with stumps and logs,  to prepare for excavation.  There was a big stump pile where Ward Five is now, and while we were excavating for the first building,  we had to burn and remove the chunks that did not burn up on the site.  That was a big job and was hard work; lots of logs to saw; but we had a fine filer to help us and his saws  were always sharp and well set. We did not have to work to hard or too long,  but we usually got enough exercise to give us a good appetite for beef stews, baked beans and other food furnished.
End of part 12.

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