Memoir of a NSH Patient Pt.3


Few of you now here,  enjoying the comfort and luxuries of this hospital,  have any concept of the conditions as I first saw them.  We were first brought to the old Tyler house near Hanson Creek and just north of the logging railway,  where about two acres of land had been cleared and a small orchard and small fruit set. This house and another small house on the hill, where the superintendent lived,  were the only two buildings about here.
We were soon set to work clearing land on a hill,  where the dairy building now sets. Here a frame building was first constructed to serve as temporary living quarters or ward,  but intended for a future dairy barn, and was built along these lines.  Unfortunately,  shortly after this was completed,  and we were comfortably housed,  a very severe storm struck this valley on New Year’s night,  1910, and this building collapsed about 10:30 at night,  killing one man.
End of part 3.

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